‘Constant Washing Machine’ invites people who use and work with AI to connect the good habits of everyday washing to ‘Responsible AI’ practice. Commissioned by Data as Culture as part of the University of Sheffield’s cross-sector research project ‘FRAIM: Framing Responsible AI Implementation & Management’, the work proposes the simple human activity of washing and soap as a metaphor for the habit of everyday good practice in responsible use of AI (RAI).
“We’re thinking about the machine in machine intelligence, the practice of washing and the hidden habits of hygiene we use every day to keep things clean. ‘Responsible AI’ is enacted through our habits and culture more than by policies and procedures. We are inviting you to wash your hands and in so doing erase the words chosen: the knowledge is gained through repetition until the bar of soap is gone.”
–Matt Adams, Lead Artist
“We were delighted to find project partners who share our belief in the essential thinking that art and artists bring to emerging data and AI ecosystems. Working across sectors with FRAIM has reinforced my view that AI can more accurately be thought about as a series of cultural shifts rather than simply a wave of technical innovations. Artists bring unique perspectives, and questions in relation to how we shape technologies and how they shape us. AI requires interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration. We hope ‘Constant Washing Machine’ helps more people understand what is meant by ‘Responsible AI’ and inspires them to think very deeply around the subject of ‘Responsible AI’ as a personal and collective activity.”
–Curator Hannah Redler-Hawes, Director of Data as Culture at the ODI
On Tuesday December 10 2024 Blast Theory hosted a hybrid evening of performance, networking and chat in their Brighton studio to celebrate the launch of Constant Washing Machine. Lead artist Matt Adams took part in a conversation with the University of Sheffield’s Denis Newman-Griffis, FRAIM Project PI and Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Susan Oman, FRAIM Project Co-lead and Senior Lecturer, Data, AI & Society, chaired by Hannah Redler-Hawes.
View the recorded livestream (YouTube)
FRAIM is a Bridging Responsible AI Divides (BRAID) scoping project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The project partners are; The British Library, Eviden, Sheffield City Council and Open Data Institute (ODI). ‘Constant Washing Machine’ is curated by Hannah Redler-Hawes, through the ODI’s Data as Culture programme.
About the artwork
Read an interview with Matt Adams about Constant Washing Machine
About Blast Theory