Rates for the Job is a part of the 8 Hours Labour work, visitors are invited to buy eight hours of Sam Meech’s own labour, charged at Arts Council of England recommended rates for artists. As proof of this labour, participants will receive a knitted banner which itself has no ascribed value, but acts only as a receipt, or document of the work undertaken. Meech’s intention is to shift the emphasis from the value of the artistic product, to the value of artists’ labour. Visitors can use a form provided by the artist to purchase a day’s labour.
Order form and performative contractual exchange action
Thinking Out Loud
July 2016 - March 2017 at the Open Data Institute
Commercial, Identifiable, Personal, Static
Artist and Videosmith. Born in Huddersfield 1981, Meech studied at Liverpool John Moores University (BA Multimedia Arts), and lives and works in the North West. Frequently collaborating with others, Meech explores the role of analogue technologies…
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