Dan Hett uses a mixture of live coding, video mixing and glitched software to create his visuals. He extends the live data he works with into static print by creating chronological representations of his performances from datasets generated during his gigs. Three Hundred and Sixty Seconds is a series of prints of pre-recorded, live-coded visuals slowed down to last the exact duration of the exhibition. The piece, shown alongside Twenty Thousand Seconds, offers unique views of the performance, re-situated within a reconfigured time-scale. Each title references how much data each work represents.
Algorithmically generated live coding production stills (from an ongoing series)
Thinking Out Loud
July 2016 - March 2017 at the Open Data Institute
Generated, Identifiable, Live, Personal, Processed, Streamed, Temporal
Dan is an experimental digital artist currently exploring encryption and data obfuscation through art and a digital implant. Alongside his practice as an artist, he creates and performs live large-scale visuals at concerts, festivals and beyond.…
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